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Whats new in zCart 2.16

Whats new in zCart 2.16

  • Munna Khan
  • 5 min read

Exciting New zCart Release: Packed with Features and Improvements!

We're thrilled to introduce the latest release of zCart, designed to elevate your e-commerce experience. This update brings a host of powerful new features, significant improvements, and crucial bug fixes, ensuring a smoother, more efficient platform for your business.

New Features:

  • Lifetime Sold Amount Calculation for Vendors: Easily track your total sales performance over time.
  • Product Page Alternative Products: Showcase related products to encourage customer browsing and boost sales.
  • Credit Back Feature in Wallet Plugin: Manage your wallet balance with the convenience of a credit back feature.
  • Dynamic Translation Feature: Reach a global audience with custom multi-language translation capabilities for products, shop details, and more. Provide an exceptional user experience, regardless of your customers' language.


  • Enhanced Pickup Option UX: Enjoy a smoother and more user-friendly pickup selection experience.
  • Dashboard Performance Boost: Experience faster loading times on your dashboard for improved efficiency.

New Plugins:

  • Smart Form: Create user-friendly forms to gather valuable customer data or integrate with other plugins.
  • Buyer Group: Form buyer groups to offer tailored discounts or request custom information during registration.
  • Affiliate: Expand your reach with affiliate marketing, promoting your platform and products for increased visibility and sales.

Bug Fixes:

  • Variant Creation Fix: Resolved issues preventing variant creation for existing listings with stock.
  • Price Slider Fix: The price slider can now be unselected as intended.
  • Dynamic Currency Price Calculation Fix: Addressed issues with displaying prices in different currencies on cart and product pages.
  • Digital Product Order Fix: Order placement for digital products now functions flawlessly.
  • Product Filter Fix: Attribute-based product filtering now works as expected.
  • Warehouse Address Fix: Checkout now functions seamlessly for shops with new warehouses that may have incomplete addresses.
  • And Many More: Numerous additional fixes to enhance user experience across the platform.

Updated Plugins:

  • Wallet: Enhanced for an even better user experience.
  • Pharmacy: Streamlined updates for efficient pharmaceutical e-commerce operations.
  • Wholesale: Improved efficiency and bug fixes for a superior wholesale experience.

We hope this release empowers you to take your zCart-powered store to the next level. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Happy Selling!
The zCart Team


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