$200 OFF

Smart Forms

The Smart Form Plugin allows admins to create dynamic, custom forms with various input fields, usable across the website for multiple purposes. Common uses include adding custom fields to forms like merchant registration and more.

Dynamic Form Creation

Easily create custom forms with various input fields for diverse website purposes. .

Simple Installation and Upgradation:

Follow the standard zCart Module procedures for hassle-free installation and upgrades.

Independent Plugin

No dependencies on other plugins, ensuring seamless integration and operation.

Effortless Configuration:

Requires only installation; no further configuration needed before use..

Key Features

Only $ 49 for lifetime

Upgrade your zCart store with Smart Forms plugin and elevate your customer shopping experience to new heights.

  • Easy Integration
  • Onetime configuration need
  • No extra charges to use the package
  • Lifetime license ownership
  • Free support with zCart license support.


This plugin has some dependencies to function properly. Your zCart installation must have to have these below plugins to be installed and active before you can use this plugin.

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